
SummerSlam 2014 Review!

SummerSlam 100% delivered in every aspect and on some parts, exceeded my already high expectations.

I’m gonna attempt to keep this short but we’ll see how it goes…

Ziggler and Miz for the IC title opened the show, it was a solid match, mostly due to Zigger, which is no surprise due to the workhorse and amazing athlete that he is. The closing spots towards the end of the match were amazing, the Fameasser into a Skull Crushing Finale got me out of my seat, Ziggler hitting that Zig-Zag and the ref counting to 1-2-3 had me in complete shock. We all wanted it, but no one expected it. WWE finally gave us what we wanted. A big win for Ziggler and a win, which he most definitely deserves. It was a great way to start the show and got the fans excited straight from the get-go. I hope this now brings some prestige to the IC title. 

Paige vs. AJ for the Diva’s title was next. Surely two title changes one after another at SummerSlam isn’t possible, right? 

These two women delivered in this match, there were some great spots and we saw a side to Paige we haven’t seen before, with her finally getting an opportunity to show her personality and what she can do. The counter of the Black Widow into the Rampaige for Paige to pick up the win was perfect. My only criticism was that it was to short, short and sweet indeed but had they been given more time, the match could have been even that better.

Rusev vs. Swagger was…okay… I didn’t understand why it was a “flag match” if it was going to be a regular pin-fall match. Anyway, Rusev won with the Accolade after Swagger passed out. This got him over as a face as it didn’t have him tapping out or being pinned. In all honesty, I’m not interested in this feud anymore.

The promo package for Ambrose vs. Rollins was great and got me even more pumped for the match (for those of you who haven’t checked out my previous post or don’t follow me on twitter, this is the match I was most looking forward to and have been for months). Despite the weak stipulation of a Lumberjack Match, boy did this deliver. The chemistry between these two is something very, very special, something I have not seen in a long time. When I initially found out this was going to be a Lumberjack Match, I was so disappointed but I also knew that these two could have anything thrown at them and they would turn it into gold – as this match proved. The amount of incredible spots, from Ambrose’s dive onto the Lumberjacks/Ambrose suplexing Rollins to the outside/brawling into the crowd/Ambrose’s rebound clothesline (which Seth sold amazingly)/Dean hitting Seth with the curbstomp – it was simply amazing. The best Lumberjack match I have ever seen.  The ending was disappointing, with Seth hitting Dean with the MITB briefcase but the story-telling that Dean told in this match was incredible and a highlight for me. The fans in attendance were clearly into this, and I was out of my seat for the majority of the match. With Dean going off to shoot his movie “Lockdown” soon, I’m interested to see how they will write him off of tv for a little bit. But one thing is for sure – this feud is not over. I’m calling it now, this will be the feud of the year. Two future superstars, two future champions. These guys are the future of pro-wrestling.

Wyatt vs. Jericho had Wyatt going over, which is what we were expecting. The match was solid but the fans just did not seem into it. I for one, was not 100% invested in this match. JR tweeted this, he hit the nail on the head – Crowd sedated somewhat because there's no one in @IAmJericho @WWEBrayWyatt they want passionately to lose. Simple psychology. #SummerSlam. I 100% agree and do believe that Wyatt should have been the face here and then this rivalry could have been much more entertaining.

I was definitely excited for Brie vs. Steph and had been for a long time. The match was never going to be a great, technical wrestling match but both did well. Steph hasn’t missed a beat and considering she is not a wrestler and has not been in the ring for over 10 years, I thought she entertained throughout. With the involvement of HHH and Nikki, a lot of us knew we would get a Nikki heel turn, and we did. I’m interested in hearing her explanation for the turn tonight on Raw. Will we get another match between Steph vs. Brie (which fans will want to see) or will it be Nikki vs. Brie (which fans will not be invested in)? I guess we will just have to wait and find out.

Reigns vs. Orton was next. I had completely forgot about this match as I had already been enjoying the show so much, but I was looking forward to seeing how Roman would do in his first big PPV singles match. The match was entertaining and there were a couple of great spots, my favourite being Roman going for his superman punch or the jumping clothesline that he does and Orton countering it, into a RKO. Absolutely awesome. Roman went over here with the spear, as was expected but in all honesty, I was expecting a lot more from him. He needs to add a few more moves to his arsenal and brush up on his mic skills and he will be on his way to superstardom. Overall, I see him getting better and better and moving up in the wrestling world.

The main event was insane. Cena vs. Lesnar had massive expectations and imo, it did deliver. Some say it was boring, I say the psychology/story-telling was perfect. I was 100% expecting Brock to win here but I was nervous mid-match that after getting beat down so much, Cena would make a miraculous come back…but it never happened. Wow. When was the last time Cena went out like that? How many years ago? He took 16 German Suplexes from Lesnar. Brock is a BEAST and I’m happy to see him as the champ. I know some fans don’t like the fact that he will be a part-time champion, but I am completely fine with it. It will make the matches must see and makes for an exciting time in the WWE. I’m looking forward to seeing who he will feud with and how it will all play out.

Overall, I enjoyed this PPV more than Wrestlemania 30 and I absolutely loved WM30 so that is saying something…There were little things here and there that could have been better but I am not complaining. We got some great wrestling, I was entertained throughout and loved majority of the booking. Looking forward to Raw tonight.

- Zara 

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